What is Mustard Seed Faith?


Jesus tells His disciplines that if they have faith as small as a mustard seed they can move mountains.  Got any mountains you need moved?  I do.  Scripture says I can move them if I have mustard seed faith, but what does that really mean?  Matthew 17:20 So Jesus said to them, “Because of your unbelief; for assuredly, I say to you, if you have faith as a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; and nothing will be impossible for you.


My sister gave me a beautiful pin to wear on my jacket that has an actual mustard seed encased in clear plastic.  I often stare at it and wonder; is this TRULY all the faith I need?  After all that seed is tiny.  It is smaller than a grain of rice.  Is that all God requires of me; tiny faith?  I think the answer is both yes and no.  Luke 17:5-6 The apostles said to the Lord, “Increase our faith!”He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.”


Mustard seed faith is where it all begins.  It simply means you have enough faith to take action.  When times are tough Satan wants us to give up and stop trying.  He would love it if we just stopped believing all together.  If we do not believe we do not pray.  We do not study God’s word.  We do not seek out the counsel of mature Christian people who will give us sound advice.  Romans 10:17 “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.”


Lack of faith stops us in our tracks.  We are now vulnerable to all the lies the crafty one wants to tell us.  No one loves us.  It will never get any better.  We are failures, ignorant and just fooling ourselves if we believe anything God says.  In other words- \”just curse God and die.\”



BUT WAIT!  Enter mustard seed faith.  Yes, it small…tiny in fact.  But that is ok.  All you need is enough faith to pray that one prayer, take that one step, or make that one call.  Yes, God will direct your steps, but you must be walking.  From that small action God can create miracles.  He can send help, comfort and solve problems in ways you never saw coming, but first you must believe enough to take that first step! 


I love the mustard seed idea.  It is a tiny seed that can grow into a full sized tree.  A tree that is large enough to provide both shade for people and a home for birds.  If God can do that with an actual seed just think what He could do with your faith. 


But we must take that first step.  God is a compassionate loving God who gave us free will.  He will never force Himself upon us, we must invite Him in.  We must believe enough to take that first step.  Just as over time a tiny seed can turn into a majestic tree, our tiny faith can grow into a strong, mature faith in God.  Mark 4:31-32 “It is like a mustard seed which, when it is sown on the ground, is smaller than all the seeds on earth; but when it is sown, it grows up and becomes greater than all herbs, and shoots out large branches, so that the birds of the air may nest under its shade.”


It all starts with faith as small as a mustard seed.  Just a tiny bit of faith can move mountains.  I can do that!  I can take that first step.  So, mountain, here is your notice:  You are about to be sent into the sea.  Got any mountains you want moved?

Written By Brenda Poarch

Let’s Get Real!


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